Black Hole PIRE

Partnerships for International Research and Education

Black Holes in the Era of Distributed Resources and Expertise

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Advanced EHT Data Analysis: Time Domain Methods II, Session 2

Advanced EHT Data Analysis: Time Domain Methods II, Session 2

Webinar Overview: Session 2 of the Advanced EHT Data Analysis Series Ingrid Stairs (University of British Columbia) presented an excellent webinar session covering different methods for identifying periodic signals and their applicability to different pulsar data...

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Advanced EHT Data Analysis: Time Domain Methods I, Session 1

Advanced EHT Data Analysis: Time Domain Methods I, Session 1

Webinar Overview: Part 1 of the Advanced EHT Data Analysis Series During this first session in the new series, the facilitator discusses astrophysical sources exhibiting incoherent variability in their lightcurves, specifically from the perspective of "compact object”...

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