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2022 - 2023 PIRE Webinar Series
Please check back for the 2022 fall webinar schedule.
September 8, 2022 – 1500 UT | Performing Large Scale Parameter Surveys with OSG Services | Watch recorded session

New PIRE Webinar on Composable Architecture
A new PIRE webinar provides an overview of the Composable Disaggregated Infrastructure (CDI) available on the ACES and FASTER systems at Texas A&M's High Performance Research Computing (HPRC) and shares it differs from traditional composable infrastructure. Lisa...

New Webinar: Performing Large Scale Parameter Surveys with OSG Services
This newest PIRE webinar features a panel of OSG experts teaching the process to using OSG for EHT data analysis. During this one-hour webinar, a brief OSG overview is provided is followed by a hands-on demonstration using iPole and OSG to create simulation libraries...

Horizon Scale Physics Around Sagittarious A*
New Session in the Spring 2022 Webinar Series Feryal Ozel, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, provided an all-new webinar immediately following the recent announcement of the new image of Sgr A*, the black hole in the center of the Milky Way galaxy. BH PIRE developed...

From the Possibility to the Certainty of a Supermassive Black Hole
New Session in the Spring 2022 Webinar Series BH PIRE has launched a new series bringing the most current Sgr A* research and featuring women pioneering advances in the field. The new series, A Deep Look Into the Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way, brings four,...

A View of Sagittarius A* Across the Radio Band
Session 2 of the 2022 Webinar Series: A Deep Look at the Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Facilitator: Sara Issaoun, Center for Astrophysics Speaker's Slides Air date: Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022 This session is part of a monthly series. Subscribe and watch past...

Entering an Era of Black Hole Discovery
First Session in New Spring 2022 Webinar Series BH PIRE has launched a brand new series featuring the most current Sgr A* research and featuring women pioneering advances in the field. The new series, A Deep Look Into the Black Hole in the Center of the Milky...

Advanced EHT Data Analysis: Principal Code Analysis Techniques, Session 5
Webinar Overview: Session 5 of the Advanced EHT Data Analysis Series Facilitator: Lia Medeiros, Institute for Advanced Study Air date: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 This session is part of a monthly series. Subscribe and watch past webinars here: BH PIRE Science Channel on...

Advanced EHT Data Analysis: VLBI Polarimetry Techniques II, Session 4
Session 4 of the Advanced EHT Data Analysis Series Webinar Overview: Jason followed last week’s initial polarization webinar by expanding on the impact of density and temperature on the observed polarization from a magnetized plasma, walks through the process...

Advanced EHT Data Analysis: VLBI Polarimetry Techniques I, Session 3
Session 3 of the Advanced EHT Data Analysis Series Webinar Overview: Iván Martí-Vidal (University of Valencia) provided a brilliant overview of polarization, discussing various states of light, the Stokes parameters, and jets in AGN. The presentation also covers how...

Advanced EHT Data Analysis: Time Domain Methods II, Session 2
Webinar Overview: Session 2 of the Advanced EHT Data Analysis Series Ingrid Stairs (University of British Columbia) presented an excellent webinar session covering different methods for identifying periodic signals and their applicability to different pulsar data...

Advanced EHT Data Analysis: Time Domain Methods I, Session 1
Webinar Overview: Part 1 of the Advanced EHT Data Analysis Series During this first session in the new series, the facilitator discusses astrophysical sources exhibiting incoherent variability in their lightcurves, specifically from the perspective of "compact object”...

Astrophysics Empowered by the EHT: Kerr Black Holes and Beyond, Session 5
Part 5 of the Astrophysics Empowered by the EHT Webinar Series - In this final session of the five-part series, the facilitator covers what we know about black hole solutions beyond general relativity, what we can learn about beyond-general relativity black holes use...

Astrophysics Empowered by the EHT: Subgrid Plasma Physics, Session 4
Webinar Overview: Part 4 of the Astrophysics Empowered by the EHT Webinar Series This session covers how and why uncertainties in plasma ‘microphysics’ affect our ability to predict observational signatures of BH accretion in EHT sources as well as discussing some of...

Astrophysics Empowered by the EHT: GRMHD Simulations, Session 2
Part 2 of the Astrophysics Empowered by the EHT Webinar Series - During this session the facilitator: Discusses astrophysical content of GRMHD model, including numerical methods, tests, resolution, and convergence; Compares models and assumptions, followed by...

Astrophysics Empowered by the EHT: Ray Tracing, Session 3
Webinar Overview: Part 3 of the Astrophysics Empowered by the EHT Webinar Series This session will cover general relativistic ray tracing (GRRT), a numerical technique for computing physically accurate black hole images from fluid/plasma models of black hole accretion...

Astrophysics Empowered by the EHT: Accretion Physics, Session 1
Download Slides and Q&A Facilitator: Ramesh Narayan, Harvard University Air date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Webinar Overview: This session provides an introduction to the accretion phenomenon and family of hot accretion flow solutions within the broader...

VLBI Data Series 4, Model Comparison
Facilitator: Dimitrios Psaltis Air date: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 An interferometer does not record directly the images of cosmic sources. Instead, it measures the components of the Fourier transforms of the images at a set of distinct locations set by the...

VLBI Data Series 3, Imaging Techniques
Download the slideshow: Facilitator: Andrew Chael, Princeton University Air date: Tuesday, March 18, 2020 The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has imaged the emission just outside the event horizon of the supermassive black hole in M87 with an effective resolution of...

VLBI Data Series 2, Handling Data, Managing Errors
Download the slideshow: Facilitator: Lindy Blackburn, Radio Astronomer and EHT Data Scientist at the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Air date: Tuesday, March 11, 2020 Attendees will gain an understanding of the VLBI data pathway, how data are recorded...

VLBI Data Series 1, Intro to Radio Astronomy
Download the slideshow: Facilitator: Dan Marrone, Arizona Air date: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 The technique of radio interferometry is an essential tool for modern radio astronomy. Interferometry made the Event Horizon Telescope image of M87* possible, but it is...